Higher Institutions' Centre of Excellence MALAYSIA: Driving Research in Islamic Financial Criminology & WINNERS OF GLOBAL ISLAMIC FINANCE AWARDS 2014,2015, 2016 & 2017; ACQ GLOBAL AWARDS 2015 & 2016 and ASEAN Risk Management Award 2016 & 2017; Global Good Governance Awards 2017
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Another Rasch Model Workshop with Prof Bond
The Accounting Research Institute (ARI) is greatly honored to host another Rasch Model workshop with Professor Trevor Bond.
The one-day workshop was attended mainly by Prof Bond's Rasch Model facebook group in Malaysia. Basically this group comprises researchers who are opting to use rasch model analysis to analyse their data. They probably have posted their questions and queries on the facebook before the workshop. Three researchers from ARI participated in the workshop discussion. Professor Bond will be leaving for Australia early tomorrow morning. Thank you sir.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Rasch Model Workshop With Prof Bond
Day 3
The basic tenet of Rasch model posits that the probability of a specified response (e.g. right/wrong answer) is modeled as a function of person and item parameters. Specifically, in the simple Rasch model, the probability of a correct response is modeled as a logistic function of the difference between the person and item parameter. In the morning, participants were exposed to the concepts of "dochotomous" and "polytomous" measures. As illustrated by Wikipedia, for dichotomous data such as right/wrong answers, by definition, the location of an item on a scale corresponds with the person location at which there is a 0.5 probability of a correct response to the question. The Polytomous Rasch Model is a measurement model that has potential application in any context in which the objective is to measure a trait or ability through a process in which responses to items are scored with successive integers. For example, the model is applicable to the use of Likert scales, rating scales, and to educational assessment items for which successively higher integer scores are intended to indicate increasing levels of competence or attainment. In the afternoon, participants shared their own research instruments with Prof Bond.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Rasch Model Workshop With Prof Bond
Day Two
On the second day of the workshop, participants were further exposed to the basic framework for measurement: Principles of Fit and Error, Analyzing Dichotomous Data and Polytomous Survey Data.
In the afternoon, participants get to explore "WinSteps 1" program. In essence, the Rasch model provides a mathematical framework against which test developers can compare their data. Rasch models are used for analysing data from assessments to measure variables such as abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. For example, they may be used to estimate a student's reading ability from answers to questions on a reading assessment, or the extremity of a person's attitude to capital punishment from responses on a questionnaire.
According to wikipedia, Rasch models are particularly used in psychometrics, the field concerned with the theory and technique of psychological and educational measurement. In addition, they are increasingly being used in other areas, including the health profession and market research because of their general applicability. The mathematical theory underlying Rasch models is in some respects the same as item response theory. However, proponents of Rasch models argue it has a specific property that provides a criterion for successful measurement. Application of the models provides diagnostic information regarding how well the criterion is met. Application of the models can also provide information about how well items or questions on assessments work to measure the ability or trait.
On the second day of the workshop, participants were further exposed to the basic framework for measurement: Principles of Fit and Error, Analyzing Dichotomous Data and Polytomous Survey Data.
In the afternoon, participants get to explore "WinSteps 1" program. In essence, the Rasch model provides a mathematical framework against which test developers can compare their data. Rasch models are used for analysing data from assessments to measure variables such as abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. For example, they may be used to estimate a student's reading ability from answers to questions on a reading assessment, or the extremity of a person's attitude to capital punishment from responses on a questionnaire.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Rasch Model with Professor Bond
Day One
In conjuction with the International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research (ICIMTR 2012), the Accounting Research Institute (ARI)and the Center of Applied Management Studies of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) organize a three-day workshop on Applying the Rasch Model. Themed "Changing the Face of Innovation, Management and Technology Research: A Role of Rasch Measurement", the workshop is facilitated by Professor Trevor Bond from James Cook University, Australia. Professor Bond is a renown researcher and author. The second edition of his best-selling book which he co-authored with Christine Fox titled "Applying The Rasch Model: Fundamental Measurement in the Human Sciences", reflects his longstanding experience in educational settings as the background for applying fundamental measurement to outcomes in the human sciences. Sixty participants signed up for the course. This includes forty two researchers and post graduate students from ARI. On the first day of the workshop, participants were introduced to the concepts of measurement; key measurement principles; construct validity & reliability and the Rasch Model Measurement. One of the main contributions of the Rasch Model Measurement is to transform ordinal-scale data set to interval-based scale. Such tranformation is essential to enable researchers to use high level parametric statistics so as to allow research findings to be inferred.
Monday, May 21, 2012
The International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research (ICIMTR 2012) 
was officially launched this morning by YB Datuk Wira Latiff bin Datuk Tamby Chik who represented the Chief Minister of Malacca, Datuk Seri Hj Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam. ICIMTR 2012 is an ISI/SCOPUS indexed conference that is jointly organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Also presence at the opening ceremony were the Vice Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK);
Professor Dr Faridah Hassan, Dean of the Faculty of Business & Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM); Professor Trevor Bond & Professor Klaus Georg Oestreicher (both are key note speakers); Professor Dr Normah Omar of the Accounting Research Institute (ARI)and Professor Dr Raja Suzana, the conference chair. ICIMTR 2012 has originally received more than 280 papers but only 75 of them "passed" the blind review process. A total of 50 international participants from more than 25 countries are attending the two-day conference. 
Tomorrow, some 60 other participants will be attending a three day Rasch Model workshop which will be facilitated by Professor Trevor Bond of James Cook University, Australia. The Accounting Research Institute is sending a total of thirty eight (38) researchers for the Rasch Model workshop...
was officially launched this morning by YB Datuk Wira Latiff bin Datuk Tamby Chik who represented the Chief Minister of Malacca, Datuk Seri Hj Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam. ICIMTR 2012 is an ISI/SCOPUS indexed conference that is jointly organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Also presence at the opening ceremony were the Vice Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK);
Tomorrow, some 60 other participants will be attending a three day Rasch Model workshop which will be facilitated by Professor Trevor Bond of James Cook University, Australia. The Accounting Research Institute is sending a total of thirty eight (38) researchers for the Rasch Model workshop...
Friday, May 18, 2012
Roundtable Discussions on Islamic Microfinancing
ARI's Islamic Microfinancing research cluster, under the leadership of Prof Dr Rashidah Abdul Rahman
organized a half day Roundtable Discussion Group with researchers and several industry players. In essence, the roundtable discussion aimed to enhance the business model formulated earlier by the group by getting important feedback from the practitioners. At least four groups of practitioners were invited for the roundtable discussion. Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) - an agency set up by the government to assist enterpreneurs to obtain micro credit from financial institutions. AIM also trains and monitors progress of these businesses. 
Representing AIM was its Managing Director,Dato' Zabidah Ismail. Besides AIM, three other organizations that participated in the discussion were YaPEIM, Selangor Zakat Centre and a Takaful Insurance company. The event was attended by researchers from the Accounting Research Institute (ARI), International Islamic University, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).
Representing AIM was its Managing Director,Dato' Zabidah Ismail. Besides AIM, three other organizations that participated in the discussion were YaPEIM, Selangor Zakat Centre and a Takaful Insurance company. The event was attended by researchers from the Accounting Research Institute (ARI), International Islamic University, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Gathering of UiTM Alumni
It was an exciting moment for Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Alumni.
The Intellectual Discourse organized by the UiTM Alumni Association was a success. The secretariate was able to register at least 500 new alumni members to its existing directory. YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, the deputy prime minister was the guest of honour. Alumni members representing all the various states were there to refresh their networking. More importantly, they were there to contribute in whatever way they can to their alma mater.
It was indeed heartwarming to see the "juniors" and the "seniors" were engaged in serious discussions - how can they "pay back" to this great university. The DPM also launched two books: 1 published by members by members of the alumni association and another about the first illectual discource where the guest speaker was Y. Bhg Tuan Dr Mahathir Mohamed...
It was indeed heartwarming to see the "juniors" and the "seniors" were engaged in serious discussions - how can they "pay back" to this great university. The DPM also launched two books: 1 published by members by members of the alumni association and another about the first illectual discource where the guest speaker was Y. Bhg Tuan Dr Mahathir Mohamed...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Intellectual Discourse with DPM
The Alumni Association of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) will be organising a half-day Intellectual Discourse with the Deputy Prime Minister YAB Tan Sri Dato' Hj Muhyidin Hj Mohd Yassin on Thursday, 17th May 2012. The afternoon event will be held at the FELDA Perdana Ballroom in Kuala Lumpur.
The Intellectual Discourse will see YAB Deputy Prime Minister, who is also the Education Minister discussing educational policy with the alumni. It is expected that the historic event will be attended by more than one thousand UiTM alumni. The event will also see the launching of two books by YAB Deputy Prime Minister: (i) A Coffee Table book "Malaysiaku", written to reflect the Alumni Association's first intellectual discourse series in 2010 where YBhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed was the guest speaker and (ii) A book of reading comprising book chapters authored by several UiTM alumni. Those other alumni who are keen to participate, kindly contact the secretariate or you can also walk in on that day.....
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Congratulations All Masters Graduates
The Accounting Research Institute (ARI) and the Faculty of Accountancy also wish to congratulate our Masters graduates who received their scroll from the King on the first day of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) convocation. A total of forty two students received their Master of Accountancy; one received her Master in Corporate Governance and twenty others received their Master in Forensic Accounting and Financial Criminology degrees. Congratulations all, we are so proud of you. Special congratulatory message to graduates who have successfully completed their applied research in Forensic Accounting & Financial Criminology for their final semester dissertation: Abd Aziz Abdul Jalil, Ardiana Mohd Rawi, Faizah Abdullah, Jamal Shariff Sulaiman, Mohamad Firdaus Satibi, Mohd Amran Md Arif, Noor Adira Abd Razak, Norazlina Kifli, Norsuliza Sohhimy and Shahreen Mahther. Well done.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Congratulations All PhD Graduates
The Accounting Research Institute (ARI) and the Faculty of Accountancy congratulate all our PhD and Masters graduates who received their scrolls from Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King) Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah at the Dewan Agong Tuanky Chancellor (DATC) yesterday. Special congratulations to our newly graduated PhD scholars: Associate Professor Dr Arun Mohamed (Financial Reporting)
, Dr Faizal Mohamed Yusof (Managerial Accounting & Forecasting), Dr Mohd Halim Kadri (Managerial Accounting), Dr Radziah Mahmud (Financial Reporting) and Dr Suaini Othman (Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting). Our congratulations also go to their respective supervisors - Prof Dr Muhd Kamil Ibrahim, Prof Dr Rozainun Abdul Aziz, Assoc Prof Dr Donna Davis, Associate Professor Dr Alya Sarah @ Pok Wee Ching, Associate Professor Dr Faizah Darus and Associate Professor Dr Roshayani Dato' Arshad. Well done
New Chancellor for UiTM
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) held its 76th convocation this week. UiTM''s convocation this year involves 13 sessions at its main campus here, three each at its Perlis and Terengganu campuses and two each at its Perak and Sarawak campuses, altogether involving a total of 16,326 graduates. The convocation series ends on May 20. Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah who was installed as the 14th Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King) on Jan 16, was proclaimed as UiTM''s fourth Chancellor, succeeding former Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, who held the post for five years. In his opening speech at UiTM's 76th convocation at the university's Dewan Tuanku Chancellor (DATC) here today, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu''adzam Shah urged staff and students of UiTM to leverage on resources, expertise and experience in various fields so as to optimise their capabilities. Daulat Tuanku (Note - NST photo)
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Corporate Governance Conference
As part of its international collaboration with the Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE) India, the Accounting Research Institute (ARI), through its Corporate Governance Research Centre will be co-organising the forthcoming 4th International Conference on Corporate Governance in Asia. Themed "Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: Innovation Sustainability, Issues and Challenges", the conference will be held on 11-12 December 2012 in Hydrabad India. The international conference will also be co-organised and co-sponsored by two renowned agencies in Malaysia: The Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG) and the Minority Shareholders Watchdog Group (MSWG). Expected participants will comprise a good mix of academics who shall be sharing their research findings and practitioners who shall be showcasing their best practices. In view of the aggressive economic growth of many emerging countries in Asia, the conference should be an interesting one. Those interested to participate, kindly contact the head of ARI's Corporate Governance Research Centre - Dr Hilwani Hariri at hilwanihariri@salam.uitm.edu.my.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
ARI-INFORMM Research Progress Meeting
Four researchers from the Accounting Research Institute (ARI) are part of the Pharmacogenetics & Novel Therapeutics Research cluster of the Institute for Molecular Medicine (INFORMM) of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The group has been assigned a research project examining "Cost Effectiveness of HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction Intervention through Methadone (MMT) and needle & syringe (NSEP)". Today, researchers from the cluster met to present their research progress to the Director of INFORMM, Professor Dr Rusli Ismail. To date, ARI team has concluded two Harm Reduction projects involving NSEP treatment at a non-profit organisation clinic (SAHABAT) in Kota Bharu and a public hospital clinic at HUSM. Our team has presented and published two papers and has prepared two draft papers on MMT & NSEP.
ARI Proposal Defense
The Accounting Research Institute (ARI) in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)Johore Campus recently organized a half day proposal defense at the Segamat campus.
The rector of UiTM Johor had recently approved the appointment of several ARI Associate Fellowship positions in the campus. Themed "Islamic Financial Criminology", eight research proposals have tentatively been approved. ARI deputy directors, Prof Dr Rashidah Abdul Rahman and Associate Professor Dr Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi were at the Segamat Campus to evaluate the research proposals and to attend the proposal presentation. Congratulations all.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Outcome-Based Budgeting: OBB
In view of the country's agenda of making Malaysia a high income nation by 2020, the government has introduced the Outcome-Based Budgeting (OBB)for all government departments at the federal, state, local authority and agency levels.
Today, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) organizes a one-day awareness seminar to introduce OBB to heads of responsibility centres at the university. The university will be giving a 1-2 year transition period to all departments, faculties, state campuses and centres of excellence to implement OBB. By 2014, all budgets must be outcome-based. Outcome or Performance based budgets use statements of missions, goals and objectives to explain why the money is being spent. It is a way to allocate resources to achieve specific objectives based on program goals and measured results. 
As such, OBB includes three key components: Results Based Budgeting (RBB), Results Based Performance Evaluation and Results Based Management Information System. Outcome-based budgeting differs from traditional approaches because it focuses on results rather than the input utilization - on what the money buys and the outcome of the purchase. This enables policymakers to determine what activities are cost-effective in reaching their end outcome. Successful implementation of an Outcome Based Budget framework hinges on the integration and linkage of the Budgeting process with the Performance Management processes and consistent monitoring of outcomes.

Thursday, May 3, 2012
ARI Visit to Sports Commission Malaysia (SCM)
The Accounting Research Institute (ARI) and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)thank Dato' Mohd Yasin Bin Mohd Salleh, Sports Commissioner of Malaysia and his officers Mohd Nazeri Gaib and Mohd Khairol for accepting our visit this morning.
Following the enactment of the Sports Development Act 1997 (SDA 1997) on 25th September 1997, the Sport Commission of Malaysia (SCM) was established on 1st January 1998. The main vision of SCM is to develop a world-class sport administration for Malaysia. Among the main objectives of SCM are: (i) to ensure effective implementation of SDA 1997, (ii) to ensure effective implementation of sport-related government policies, (iii) to educate, monitor and regulate sport associations so as to ensure compliance of the SDA 1997 and (iv)to ensure proper sports development and governance.
In fact research on sport associations is part of ARI's current research project under its "Governance of Non-Profit Organizations" sub-cluster. Three UiTM researchers comprising Prof Dr Normah Omar and Associate Professor Dr Roshayani Arshad from ARI and Mr Badrul Hisham Hussein representing the Faculty of Sports Science & Recreation attended the meeting today. In principle, the collaborative research hopes to evaluate the NPO governance of sport associations registered with SCM.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
ARI Sharing Session with UMT
The Department of Accounting & Finance, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) has invited the Accounting Research Institute (ARI) to share its experience and journey in becoming one of the country's six Higher Institutions' Centres of Excellence (HICoE) in Malaysia. ARI was represented by Assoc. Prof Dr Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi, Deputy Director of ARI (Postgraduate & Innovation). A one-day "sharing session" was attended by researchers and lecturers from the Accounting and Finance department, UMT. The morning session was specifically dedicated for "ARI sharing session". Dr Zuraidah spoke on ARI evolution from an individual-based "special interest group" to a cluster-based research centre and finally to a HICoE. As a HICoE, ARI works in synergy with its partners by participating in collaborative research at the national and international level. Dr Zuraidah also spent some time to explain the MyRA instrument. Aspiring centre of excellence must understand the requirements of the MyRA instrument as it forms the tenet of HICoE evaluation. Meanwhile, in the afternoon session Assoc. Prof Dr Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi shared some of her expertise in quantitative research method and statistical analysis with the participants. The session was officiated by the Assoc. Prof Dr Mohd Hassan Che Haat, the Head of Accounting & Finance Department. Also present was Dr Mohd Shaari Abd. Rahman, Deputy Dean (Academic & Students’ Affairs); Assoc Prof Dr Nur Azura Sanusi, Deputy Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) of the Faculty of Management & Economics, UMT; Dr Zalailah Salleh, Deputy Director of Center of Socioeconomic Development, UMT, and Dr Zunaidah Sulong, a representative from Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. Several research topics in the areas of Islamic Finance and Financial Criminology have been identified for possible future collaboration between ARI and UMT. The Eastcoast sea breeze is definitely a luxury opportunity for more ideas and creativity!!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Labour Day Announcement: Minimum Wage for Private Sector
This is an excerpt taken from the Sun Daily (Malaysia) dated 1st May 2012
A minimum wage of RM900 a month has been set for private sector workers in Peninsular Malaysia while their counterparts in Sabah and Sarawak will take home RM800 a month. This works out to RM4.33 per hour for those in the Peninsular while employees in Sarawak, Sabah and Federal Territory of Labuan are to be paid a minimum of RM3.85 per hour. The amount is applicable to all sectors except for workers in the domestic sector such as maids and gardeners. In making the much-awaited minimum wage announcement at a pre-Workers Day event in Dewan Perdana of the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) today, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak said that the government has also set in motion mechanisms to ensure that the implementation of this will not burden employers, and at the same time not cause employees to incur losses by allowing the absorption of allowances or fixed cash payment in the calculation of minimum wage. “This is a special gift from the government to all workers in Malaysia,” said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak in making the much awaited minimum wage announcement at a pre-Workers' Day event in Dewan Perdana of the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) today. He said that the government has also put in place mechanisms to ensure that the implementation of minimum wage will not burden employers, and at the same time not incur losses for employees by allowing the absorption of allowances or fixed cash payment in the calculation of minimum wage.
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