Today, the Accounting Research Institute (ARI) and IBBM organized a half day Intellectual Discourse with Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) practitioners of Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) to discuss the i-CSR framework. i-CSR is ARI's latest initiative, a research product that is fully backed by Islamic and Shariah principles. In facilitating the country's bigger agenda of making Malaysia a global Islamic Finance hub, i-CSR is a strategic new product addition to the sector. Premised on the concepts of shariah, i-CSR integrates the principles of Ibadah, Maqasid and Maslahah. CSR in itself is an ibadah. Higher level of CSR activities implicates a corporation's steady and healthy economic performance. As a research institution, ARI works closely with ulama' or Islamic scholars and practitioners to ensure its research products are built on very strong fundamendal. Earlier in 2011, the initial i-CSR framework was developed collaboratively by ARI researchers, headed by Associate Professor Dr Faizah Darus with CSR experts from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM); Sebelas Maret University and Universitas Muhamadiah, both from Indonesia. The group had also met several Islamic scholars. More than forty bankers and CSR practitioners attended today's event. Currently, CSR practices of IFIs are governed by conventional framework which gives higher focus on the CSR activities themselves. i-CSR encompases the "Niat", "CSR activities", "priority" and "dakwah". BERNAMA was among the first media partner to provide ARI the exclusive interview for its primetime news....