The Groom Big
Programme is an initiative by the Ministry of International Trade (MITI) to encourage, nurture and develop SME entrepreneurs
to have a bold vision towards becoming a big entity, have the ability to compete and willing to progress while having the staying power at the domestic and global level. Its
aim is to make SMEs think big so that they can be groomed into large
entities. In implementing the Groom Big
program, MITI partners with various agencies. One of the agencies, Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC) has invited the Accounting Research Institute (ARI) to develop a training module on Financial Management for participants. Today, a one-day Groom Big seminar was held by MPC. During the seminar, ARI has been invited to present its findings on financial management practices of eight Groom Big companies - Ruff n Tuff, Brimal Stampress, PATCO, Innopeak, Mitti Cables, Matrix Power, Shamawar and PSB Decoration. In addition to ARI presentation, all participating companies have also been asked to present at least one TQM or productivity initiatives.