Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing are Serious International Offences

Many countries globally have legislated the offences of money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF) and consider both as serious or predicate offences.  Many legislation on ML/TF provide wide-ranging investigation powers including powers for law enforcement agencies and Public Prosecutor to freeze and seize properties that are involved or suspected to be involved in money laundering or terrorism financing offences, and the power of the court to forfeit properties derived from the proceeds of serious crimes.  
Money laundering and the financing of terrorism can have devastating economic and social consequences for countries, especially those in the process of development and those with fragile financial systems. The economy, society, and ultimately the security of countries used as money-laundering platforms are all imperiled. Here are just a few examples of how illicit financial flows can affect the economy and institutions of the host country (excerpts of various sources):
  • Financial institutions that accept illegal funds cannot rely on those funds as a stable deposit base. Large amounts of laundered funds are likely to be suddenly wired out to other financial markets as part of the laundering process, threatening the institution’s liquidity and solvency. A financial institution’s reputation and integrity can be irrevocably harmed if involved in money laundering or financing terrorism.
  • Local merchants and businesses may find that they cannot compete with front companies organized to launder and conceal illicit funds. Many such front companies offer their services and goods at below-market rates and even at a loss. Because their primary objective is the laundering of money, they do not need to compete in the marketplace and make a profit for their owners.
  • Money laundering may also distort some economic sectors and create instability in their markets. Money launderers may channel funds to sectors or areas where funds are unlikely to be discovered whether or not investment is needed or real returns are offered. The often sudden departure of investments from those sectors may impair the industries involved.
  • Currencies and interest rates can be distorted by money launderers’ investment practices, based as they are upon factors other than market returns.
  • Money laundering and terrorist financing do nothing for the reputation of the host country. The loss of investor confidence that follow revelations of large-scale involvement in such activities can sharply diminish opportunities for growth. Once a country’s reputation is tarnished, it  takes years to repair.

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