ICAF 2013
The Accounting Research Institute (ARI) has been invited to co-organize an international conference with the Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak in 2013. Tentatively, the conference is proposed to be held in a historical, beautiful town of Lumut Perak, sometimes in November 2013.
Two other agencies, namely the Malaysian Accounting Association (MyAA) and the Malaysian Accounting Research and Education Foundation (MAREF) have also been invited to co-organise the prestigous event. In a preliminary discussion between the agencies held today at the Perak campus, it was agreed that tentatively, the title of the conference is INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE (ICAF) 2013. The committee has also proposed to hold an innovation exhibition which aims to showcase accounting-based innovative products during the conference. The meeting has also agreed to appoint Dr Mohd Shatari Abdul Ghafar as the chairman of the conference organising committee. Upcoming meeting will decide on the conference theme.