In its effort to involve practitioners and industries for all its research projects, the Accounting Research Institute (ARI) visited the Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM) today. ARI was represented by four of its researchers. The group met up with IBFIM's Chief Executive Officer, Dato' Dr Adnan Alias and researchers of the institute and had a discussion on possible research and working collaboration between the two entities. Specifically, ARI researchers proposed a project related to Islamic CSR (
i- CSR is an ongoing joint research project between two Malaysian universities (UiTM & USM) and two Indonesian universities (Sebelas Maret Universiti and Muamalat Universiti). Basically, the proposed
i-CSR dimensions are premised on Maqasit-based principles as well as global CSR framework. An earlier pilot project had reviewed CSR disclosures of six Islamic banks in Malaysia and Indonesia. Based on some preliminary findings, the group now needs feedbacks from both practitioners and industry players on the suitability and viability of the measurement. IBFIM, as a leading Islamic Finance Solutions Partner can certainly play an important role in linking a research institution such as ARI with the Islamic Finance industry.
i-CSR has great potential in supporting Malaysia's vision of leading the Islamic Finance industry globally......