Saturday, September 8, 2012

ARI Retreat 2012 - Progress Reporting

Day 2
On the second day of the retreat, the program started with a publication workshop titled "Publish or Perish"  by visiting professor Dr Milind Sathye from University of Canberra, Australia.  The workshop basically discusses different types of publication that researchers can explore: book chapters, research books and indexed journals.  Three main sources of indexed journals are namely ISI Thomson, SCOPUS and ERA.  The main focus of journal publications is the "newness" aspect of the articles.  Researchers must therefore highlight this newness in the abstract itself.  Very often, papers get rejected as reviewers are not able to establish the paper's new contributions at the very early stage of reading the paper.  Immediately after the workshops, researchers were divided into four different panels to update their research progress.  Basically, there were two groups of research projects: ARI HICoE Phase 1 projects which should have ended in July 2012 and Phase 2 which just begun in January 2012.  Every completed project is expected to produce at least five research spinoffs, including two compulsory indexed journal papers.  For phase 2 projects, researchers were expected to have completed their data collection stage and have started producing some concept papers as journal publications.  Several researchers from Indonesia who are members of some research projects have also shown their commitment by attending the three-day research retreat.  As a whole, researchers have shown good progress and mostly have achieved their targeted milestones.  Congratulations...