Thursday, September 6, 2012

Corporate Integrity System Malaysia - CISM

As part of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP), PEMANDU or the Performance Management and Delivery unit of the Prime Minister's Department has been entrusted to drive one of the NKRAs related to "Fighting Corruption" together with two other agencies namely the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Malaysian Institute of Integrity (IIM).  On the premise that corruption is the direct result of "lack of integrity" of individuals and/or organizations, several instruments have been developed to measuare and assess integrity in organizations.  The Accounting Research Institute (ARI), together with several academics of local universities are working closely with IIM to develop a "Corporate Integrity System for Malaysia - CISM".  To date, the instrument has been used to assess the integrity system of several companies in Malaysia.  Meanwhile, companies that have signed up the "Integrity Pledge" can also showcase their own integrity structure and initiatives.    Today, a meeting was held at IIM to discuss "moving forward" strategies as to how best  integrity best practices can be made available to the public at large.